We met through research and little did we know then that our joint studies would lead to a life together, a life with many kids and our own company. We both hold PhD’s in risk- and decision analysis, a subject which at first glance may sound dull and academic, but has been very useful for us both personally as well as professionally. It has helped us help others, and we have managed to convert research theories into practice.

We have both worked as Risk and Decision experts in different settings before co-founding Riabacke & Co in 2011. We decided to quit interesting jobs during a time when family life was hectic (our four kids were all under age 10) to follow our dream. We wanted to work with the things we loved and believed in, and to manage our own time. We live as we teach, and we have realized that one of our greatest skills is to get things done, and to make others make decisions that they never even dreamed of.

Today, we give speeches, hold workshops, act as advisors and host the podcast Beslutspodden.



Our speeches are always tailor-made for the occasion, based on solid knowledge with a unique mix of business and science. Sometimes, their characteristic is more inspirational, and sometimes, they are more focused on our and others’ research. In any case, presented in an easily accessible and inspiring fashion.


Live speeches, with a large or small group of people, as a kick-start or summary of a conference or group meeting. A long-lasting vitamin injection that inspires, triggers thoughts and calls to action.


We have all options for digital speeches (pre-recorded, in real-time, interactive) and our productions are high quality and independent of the digital platform you use.


Our first joint speech was given in Rio de Janeiro, 2005, and since then, we've given many speeches together (the picture is from the 600MINUTES HR & Leadership conference in Amsterdam).


We offer speeches that will make you consider reality from a new perspective. Why do we do the things we do, what drives us, and how can we better lead others during times of change? We help people develop, perform better and to dare more.

In our inspiring, at times provocative and entertaining speeches, we take you on a cohesive journey between research findings, our experiences from the business world, and the challenges of running a family. Our unique mix of research knowledge and business expertise offers the possibility to tailor our speeches depending on your aim. We inspire, trigger thoughts and give advice that will make a difference in your lives and at work.

“Björn Borg´s fashion style and two-handed backhand revolutionized the world of tennis. Dr. Mona and Dr. Ari Riabacke do the same to the game of leadership – important knowledge presented in a funky and witty fashion.”

Helen Ellebo, CEO and Distributor of Björn Borg, Austria



+46 70 736 54 80

Gamla Brogatan 11C, 111 20 Stockholm